Friday, 26 August 2011



  1. A force is a push or a pull acting upon an object
  2. When an object is pushed or pulled, a forced is exerted on the object
  3. We can only see the effets of  forces
Effects of forces :
  1. A force can
  • change the shape and size of an object
  • move a stationary object
  • stop a moving object
  • change the position of a moving object
  • change the direction of a moving object
Different type of force:

Electrostatic Force
  1. Electrostatic force is a force which exists between static electrical charges
  2. Two objects which opposite charges attract each other
  3. Two objects with the same charges repel each other
  4. When a plastic rules is rubbed with a cloth, it can attract small pieces of paper that are not charged
Gravitional Force
  1. Gravitional force is a force that pulls all object towards the centre of the earth
  2. Gravity makes all thing fall to the ground
  3. Gravity is stronger at the poles than at the equator
  4. The weight of an object is the force of gravity pulling that object down
Frictional Force
  1. Frictional force is the force acting on the surfacee of an object when it moves against the surface of another object
  2. Fricton is produced when two surface rub against each other
  3. Frictional force acts in the opposite direction to movement
  4. Friction can (a)stop a moving object (b)prevent an object from moving
  5. The magnitude of friction between two surfaces that are in contact increase when the (a)surface is rougher (b)object is heavier
  6. Frictional force does not depend on the surface area in contact
Magnetic Force
  1. Magnetic force is a force that exists in a  magnetic field
  2. A magnet can exert force on the another magnet or on icon and steel
  3. Unlike poles of magnet attract each other, while like poles repel each other

references : whizz science


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